Keeping Fit Over The Holidays (Flat Tummy Style)

Posted by Nicole from Flat Tummy Co on

Flat Tummy Workouts

We know it’s not quite the holidays without our favorite sweats and a glass of wine, but babe, step one is putting the wine down (for a hot minute). If you’re already struggling to stay on track over the holidays, we get it. It’s super easy to overindulge and get caught up in all the festivities. Buuuut, that’s where we come in - we’ve got some ideas to help you stay on track and keep kicking a**!

1. First things first, plan ahead! If you know you’re going to be running around all day and most likely eating meals on-the-go, pack a Flat Tummy Shake! Put your scoop in your shaker bottle before you leave your house, so all you need to do is add water and shake - super easy! This way, you’re not settling for any unnecessary calories (better to save them for when it really matters!).

Flat Tummy Workouts

2. Next up, get your steps in. Since it’s SO easy to get carried away and have one too many sweets (or drinks) this season, embrace the extra steps! Don’t worry about finding a good parking spot, park at the end of the lot and walk. You’ll be surprised at how much of a difference it makes! Another way to get in your steps? Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator while shopping - it seems like such a small thing to do, but it helps!

Flat Tummy Sneakers


3. Last but not least, stay hydrated (and no, we don’t mean with champagne toasts and margaritas!). Bring a water bottle with you to sip on your water instead throughout the night… or at least between drinks.

Work out bottle

We know it doesn’t sound easy, but your tummy will def thank you! If you find yourself feeling like you need a little extra support to move those LBS and reduce bloat we can help! Our Flat Tummy Essentials bundle is 20% OFF and will totally give you that extra kick!

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